Meta is set to introduce AI-generated profiles and characters across Facebook and Instagram in a move aimed at increasing user engagement. This feature, which was first launched in the United States in July has already led to the creation of hundreds of thousands of AI users. Over time, Meta plans to integrate these AI profiles seamlessly with human accounts, giving them their own profiles, bios and the ability to generate and share content just like regular users. Alongside this initiative, Meta will roll out new tools for content creators including a text-to-video generation feature. This new tool will allow creators to include themselves in AI-generated videos, providing them with new opportunities to enhance their content.
According to Connor Hayes, Meta’s Vice President of Product for Generative AI, this integration of AI technology is a priority for the company over the next two years as it aims to make its platforms more engaging and entertaining for users. However, the introduction of AI-generated profiles has raised concerns among experts. Becky Owen, a former Meta executive, warned that these AI profiles could be used to spread misinformation or flood platforms with low-quality content, potentially diminishing the value of content created by human users.
In response, Meta has introduced a policy that requires AI-generated content to be clearly labeled on its platforms. Mark Zuckerberg, Meta’s CEO, acknowledged that the company’s investment in AI will take time to show results. He explained that building and scaling AI technologies within Meta’s platforms is a long-term effort, but it will eventually lead to new and innovative user experiences. Despite the challenges, Meta is committed to AI integration, aiming to change how users interact with content on its platforms and enhance their overall experience.