Samsung Electronics has introduced its innovative "AI for All" vision at CES 2025, aiming to make artificial intelligence a common part of everyday life.
The Thermal Smart Camera, designed and developed by C-DAC, is equipped with an in-built Data Processing Unit (DPU) capable of executing various AI-based analytics.
HC-SR501 Motion Sensor usually known as the PIR sensor is used in many kinds of Security Alarm Systems and Motion Detector systems. Instead of emitting infrared signals, it absorbs IR signals and that’s why it is called PIR (Passive Infrared) Sensor.
Raspberry Pi 4 is the improved version of Raspberry Pi 3 B+. Raspberry Pi 4 comes with Cortex-A72 quad-core processor running at 1.5GHz with memory bumped up to the LPDDR4. It has three times better processing performance and speed than the Raspberry Pi 3.
There are many kinds of Wi-Fi door lock available in the market which makes your home more secure and saves time in finding the keys. We previously built a smartphon