Control Raspberry Pi GPIO with Adafruit IO to trigger an LED

Control Raspberry Pi GPIO with Adafruit IO to trigger an LED

Previously we have learned to control GPIO of Raspberry pi using two IoT platforms: IFTTT and Blynk App. In this project we explore another IOT cloud platform Adafuit IO. In this DIY tutorial we will control LED with Adafruit IO dashboard and Raspberry pi. Adafruit IO is a cloud service using which you can upload, display and monitor your data over the internet, and make your project IoT enabled. To test and try with some limitations, Adafruit IO is free to use.


Components Required

  • Raspberry Pi
  • LED
  • Breadboard
  • Resistor (250 ohm)
  • Jumper Wires
  • Adafruit IO


Circuit Diagram

 Circuit Diagram for Controlling Raspberry Pi GPIO with Adafruit IO


Connections of this project are very simple. Connect LED’s positive pin to Raspberry Pi’s 31st (GPIO6) pin and negative pin to resistor. Other part of the resistor is connected with ground pin of Raspberry Pi.


Step 1 Adafruit IO Setup for Raspberry Pi GPIO control

1. For Adafruit IO setup the first thing you will need to do is to sign up to Adafruit IO. To sign up go to Adafruit IO’s site and click on ‘Get started for Free’ on top right of the screen.

Adafruit IO Setup for Raspberry Pi GPIO Control


2. After this a window will pop up where you need to fill your details

 Sign up on AdafruitIO for Controlling Raspberry Pi GPIO

In sign up window fill your details like: your name, mail id, username etc. Then click on save settings and your account is created. To get your AIO key click on ‘View AIO Key’.

 Set AIO key on AdafruitIO for Controlling Raspberry Pi GPIO


3. A window will pop up with your Adafruit IO AIO Key. Copy this key you'll need it later in your python code.

 AdafruitIO AIO key for Controlling Raspberry Pi GPIO


4. Now after this you need to create a feed. To create a feed click on ‘Feed’. Then click on ‘Actions’, you will see some options from them click on ‘Create a New Feed’.

 Create New Feeds on Adafruit IO for Controlling Raspberry Pi GPIO


5. After this a new window will open where you need to input:

Name – In name option write a short descriptive name of your feed. You can use Letters, numbers, and spaces.

Description - A long form description of your data. This field is not required, but you can write a description about your data.


6. Click on ‘Create’, you will then be redirected to your new feed.

 New Feeds on AdafruitIO for Controlling Raspberry Pi GPIO


7. Next, to add a new Toggle Block you need to create a dashboard. Creating a Dashboard is same as Feed. So follow the same steps. Now to add block click on ‘Plus sign’ on top right corner of the screen and click on first option.

 Add Toggle Block on Adafruit IO for Controlling Raspberry Pi GPIO


8. Name the block whatever you like, and set On Text to a value of 1 and Off Text to a value of 0. Make sure you have selected the Digital feed as the data source for the toggle.

 Set up Block on Adafruit IO for Controlling Raspberry Pi GPIO


9. When you finished click on ‘Create Block’ to create your block.


Step 2 Raspberry Pi Setup for Adafruit IO

First update your Raspberry Pi using below commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade



sudo pip3 install --upgrade setuptools


Now install the Raspberry Pi GPIO library

pip3 install RPI.GPIO


Install Adafruit Blinka library using this command:

pip3 install adafruit-blinka


Then using the following command install the Adafruit IO library

pip3 install adafruit-io


Now, download the adafruit/io-client-python repository by using:

git clone


Now go to the examples folder using:

cd io-client-python/examples/basics/


Now make a file using

sudo nano


then copy paste the python code in this file and run the program using below command:



Python Code

Complete python for this project is given at the end of this tutorial.

If your code runs successfully you will see the following in the terminal of your Pi.

 Run Python Code on Adafruit IO for Controlling Raspberry Pi GPIO


Toggle the button on your Adafruit IO dashboard to change the Led state.


 Control Raspberry Pi GPIO with Adafruit IO to trigger an LED

So it’s very easy to integrate Adafruit IO in your IoT projects. Also check our other similar tutorials with other popular IoT cloud platforms:

IoT Controlled LED with Blynk App and Raspberry Pi

How to Control an LED with Raspberry Pi Webserver using Apache


import time
 import digitalio
import board
 from Adafruit_IO import Client, Feed, RequestError
 ADAFRUIT_IO_KEY = 'your APIO KEY' # Set your APIO Key
 # Set to your Adafruit IO username.
    digital = aio.feeds('LED')
except RequestError: 
    feed = Feed(name="LED")
    LED = aio.create_feed(feed)
# led set up
led = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D6)
led.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
while True:
    data = aio.receive(digital.key)
    if int(data.value) == 1:
        print('received <- ON\n')
    elif int(data.value) == 0:
        print('received <- OFF\n')
    led.value = int(data.value)


Loading distributor results for rpi4modbp4gb
Loading distributor results for raspberry